The Definitive Guide to Keeping Aquariums

Learn how to design and maintain aquariums like a Tanknician

Before we begin I’d like to start with a few words about the purpose of this series:

The way we think about aquariums and their inhabitants will ultimately determine the success of the aquarium. Understanding the framing of a persons thought processes is an essential tool for anyone that helps people to keep aquariums, and should be on the forethought of those in the industry at all times. My goal with this blog is to help people expand the way that they think about aquariums. This is the start of a multi-part series that will take an holistic approach to aquarium keeping exploring history, biology, ecology, physics, philosophy, economics, popular discourse, and standard aquarium keeping practices to understand where the hobby is and where it is going.  This is the start of the ultimate guide to understanding aquariums, expand upon this frame work to better your hobby and to grow the hobby broadly by pushing the envelope of standard aquarium keeping practices

Expand your thinking about aquariums

Anableps see above and below the waters surface simultaneously. This adaptation helps them to be more effective predators of insects near the water surface. We can apply this idea of seeing water in a different way or looking beyond conventional aquarium keeping to improve as aquatic hobbyists

This is not a step by step guide to keeping aquariums. Because of our understanding of these concepts, we believe that anyone who claims to have the secret or a formula is either ulteriorly motivated or inadequately informed. There are many ways to have a successful aquarium, gurus typically want to sell you theirs for notoriety or profit. We want to help nurture hobbyists by teaching them how to think and learn about aquariums like a scientist.  Join us as Tanknicians and help to create a better hobby with better outcomes for our beloved aquatic pets.

Learn everything you need to know to be a successful aquarium owner

This series will start with “how to think about aquariums”. In this we will discuss the current discourse for new hobbyist and introduce a discourse with basies in biology, chemistry, ecology, physics, and conservation. Later entries will discuss each of these more thoroughly with case studies and research. Next we will discuss sources of information about aquarium keeping and methods of evaluating the veracity of the information therein. From there, all of what we have learned will be included in a series where I discuss how Tanknicians apply this way of thinking during the decision making process of designing, building, maintaining, and stocking an aquarium. These will be useful for anyone looking to purchase or maintain an aquarium as well.

 If you have questions or would like to contribute please contact us here to start a converstation or leave a comment below! 

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